An Anthology of Sudden Fiction

  • Dreaming in Blue, Blue Dreams
    Dreaming in Blue, Blue Dreams
  • Theoretical Physics
    Theoretical Physics
  • Heaven and a Toy Fence
    Heaven and a Toy Fence
    oil stick and aluminum paint on wood
  • Spring
  • Cinderella's Champagne Glass and Golden Slipper
    Cinderella's Champagne Glass and Golden Slipper
    oil and enamel on canvas
  • Zen Mysticism
    Zen Mysticism
  • The Streets Looked Almost the Same
    The Streets Looked Almost the Same
  • Is This Cambodia?
    Is This Cambodia?
    dimensions: 20" x 32"
  • Floating
  • Small Flower Pot for a Small House
    Small Flower Pot for a Small House
    dimensions: 22" x 22"
  • Unknown, Untitled
    Unknown, Untitled
  • The Bingo Card of Happiness
    The Bingo Card of Happiness
  • Eden
  • In Anticipation of a Table of Contents
    In Anticipation of a Table of Contents
  • The Next Morning I Woke Up in Space
    The Next Morning I Woke Up in Space
    dimensions: 20" x 20"
  • Someone on the Dais was Talking about Paul Klee
    Someone on the Dais was Talking about Paul Klee
  • It Could Be Coquetterie
    It Could Be Coquetterie